Date & Time


For 30 Minutes At A Time & Date That Works For You!

This Online Quick-Meet Is Designed For The Following School/MAT Roles & Education Settings

This free online Quick-Meet is designed for Primary and Secondary Academies, Single Academy Trusts.

Head of Estates, Estates Managers, Premises Managers, Headteachers, Finance Managers and School Business Managers will find this Quick-Meet of the highest value.

Why Attend This Free Online Quick-Meet?

There are so many important reasons to attend this free online school improvement Quick-Meet!

1. We donate £60 to your school/MAT via an Amazon voucher or cash donation (of your choice) for each & every online Quick-Meet you attend with us! This is to help your school access & afford essential supplies, school meals, products, resources & staff rewards*View T’s & C’s

2. We also contribute 20% towards each and every purchase you may choose to make (with no limits) from education solution providers you meet via our online Quick-Meet, up to a value of £400!* View T’s & C’s

Online Quick-Meet Details

This is an unmissable free online Quick-Meet where you will receive free advice, hints, tips and have all your questions answered by the experts at Eddisons regarding Decarbonisation.

Do any of the following resonate with you:

Decarbonisation – what exactly is it and what are other schools, academies and MATs doing in this area?

I know my school needs a decarbonisation strategy and action plan – but what does this look like and how do I go about starting it?  I’d love to see some examples…

What is the guidance and requirements behind decarbonisation?  What exactly does my school/MAT need to do and by when?

Is achieving net-zero via a decarbonisation strategy expensive?  How much should we expect it to cost?

Decarbonisation feels a little bit like a minefield and I have a number of questions I’d like to ask the experts so they can point me in the right direction

If any of the above questions or scenarios feel or sound familiar, or should you have absolutely any questions what so ever regarding decarbonisation then we would be delighted to invite you to this free Quick-Meet.

Wish To Contact Us? Have A Question?

Should you have any questions please email: or call 01485 240150.

We look forward to hosting you at our exciting free online school improvement Quick-Meets!

We Donate £60 To Your School/MAT Via An Amazon Voucher Or Cash Donation For Just 30-Minutes Of Your Time At This Free Online School Improvement Quick-Meet.*

Did You Know… We Contribute 20% Towards Any Purchases You Make Following This Free Online School Improvement Quick-Meet!*

Book My Free Online Seat