For 30 Minutes At A Time & Date That Works For You!
This Online Quick-Meet Is Designed For The Following School/MAT Roles & Education Settings
This Quick-Meet is designed exclusively for Primary schools, both local authority and academies.
Headteachers and School Business Managers will find this Quick-Meet of the highest value.
Why Attend This Free Online Quick-Meet?
There are so many important reasons to attend this free online school improvement Quick-Meet!
1. We donate £60 to your school/MAT via an Amazon voucher or cash donation (of your choice) for each & every online Quick-Meet you attend with us! This is to help your school access & afford essential supplies, school meals, products, resources & staff rewards*View T’s & C’s
2. We also contribute 20% towards each and every purchase you may choose to make (with no limits) from education solution providers you meet via our online Quick-Meets, up to a value of £400!* View T’s & C’s
Online Quick-Meet Details
The Education Showroom is delighted and proud to partner with Ekte, an organisation dedicated to modernising and transforming school IT infrastructure through cutting-edge, cloud-based solutions. Ekte ensures DfE compliance, enhanced security and seamless support for both staffs, students and your whole school.
With the DfE now requiring schools to move away from physical server cabinets, virtualisation is the way forward. Ekte specialises in migrating school’s IT infrastructure to the cloud, eliminating the need for on-premises servers. Ekte’s cloud-based solutions are secure, cost-effective and exceed DfE requirements, helping your school stay ahead of the curve while vastly reducing costs – some schools are saving more than 65% per year by using Ekte’s services.
Ekte offers both onsite and remote support to address everything and anything quickly and efficiently. In addition, Ekte provides a full suite of broadband connectivity, security firewalls and web filtering solutions – they even provide super fast, secure broadband and VOIP services to innovate your school and ensure you are DfE compliant. Their comprehensive approach to network security means your school’s IT infrastructure will be both reliable and protected from ever increasing cybersecurity threats.
Beyond technical support, Ekte also offers bespoke, tailored training and consultancy for your staff, ensuring they can use the technology, software and applications your school already has effectively and competently. Imagine the increase in productivity and outcomes if your staff could use your existing systems and applications by just 10% to 20% each more efficiently and effectively? The results would be huge!
As an accredited provider on the Everything ICT Framework, Ekte meets the highest standards for delivering IT services to schools, ensuring that you receive reliable, high-quality and cost-effective solutions, with zero compromise. Ekte helps schools get the most value from their technology investments, staying within budget while still receiving top-tier service and support.
What Are Schools Saying About Ekte?
“We have managed to create a more robust ICT infrastructure, with the move to a Cloud-Based Solution, a more robust internet connection and an overhaul of all ICT devices, so that they were more reliable.”
C. Humphrey – Taylor Road School Business Manager
“Their support was on hand and any minor issues I encountered were dealt with efficiently and effectively.”
A. Copley – Network Manager
A Special Offer Just For You
As a thank you for your attendance at this free online Quick-Meet, Ekte are offering a complimentary, free-of-charge audit of your school’s IT infrastructure and systems to ensure they meet the latest DfE requirements.
Has this piqued your interest? Would you like to learn more?
We would be delighted to welcome you to this free online Quick-Meet taking place just for 30 minutes at a time and date that works for you!
Wish To Contact Us? Have A Question?
Should you have any questions please email: or call 01485 240150.
We look forward to hosting you at our exciting free online school improvement Quick-Meets!