For 30 Minutes At A Time & Date That Works For You!
This Online Quick-Meet Is Designed For The Following School/MAT Roles & Education Settings
This Quick-Meet is exclusively designed for Multi-Academy Trusts.
CEOs, COOs, CFOs, HR/People Directors, Directors of Safeguarding, Director of Operations and Director of Compliance will find this Quick-Meet of the highest value.
Why Attend This Free Online Quick-Meet?
There are so many important reasons to attend this free online school improvement Quick-Meet!
1.We donate £100 to your school/MAT via an Amazon voucher or cash donation (of your choice) for each & every online Quick-Meet you attend with us! This is to help your school access & afford essential supplies, school meals, products, resources & staff rewards*View T’s & C’s
2.We also contribute 20% towards each and every purchase you may choose to make (with no limits) from education solution providers you meet via our online Quick-Meets, up to a value of £400!* View T’s & C’s
Online Quick-Meet Details
The Education Showroom is excited and proud to partner with Zen Educate, a multi award winning organisation that helps schools and MATs save huge time and money on permanent and temporary recruitment requirements – but most importantly Zen Educate ensures your MAT will be safe and fully compliant by utilising their single central record (SCR) recruitment management system.
Since 2017, Zen Educate has saved UK schools over £20M in temporary and permanent recruitment fees while ensuring schools get the best staff to meet their students’ needs. Trusted by thousands of schools and MATs across the UK, Zen Educate’s award winning platform is developed by safeguarding experts and audited by the Department for Education.
Zen Educate’s Single Central Record management system lets you upload and manage your entire Single Central Record(s) in seconds – digitally, instantly and without the hassle of any manual spreadsheets.
This saves valuable time, eliminates manual monitoring and allows you to conduct internal spot checks with an automated compliance log, ensuring absolutely nothing gets missed.
The system enables real-time updates to track statutory requirement checks for both temporary and permanent staff, fully aligned with KCSIE regulations, including DBS certificates, overseas checks, and identity verifications.
You can also ensure you’re Ofsted-ready with an ‘inspector view,’ and seamlessly integrate your data with your MIS or HR system, automatically transferring supply staff details leaving manual data entry in the past. Zen Educate’s platform connects to and integrates with all school / MAT MIS systems.
With real-time alerts and automated audit trails, Zen Educate helps your staff prioritise critical actions, ensuring your schools remain compliant and safe at all times.
Additionally, you can store and manage all accompanying documents in one secure place.
Hear what school and MAT leaders have to say about Zen Vetting
“The Zen Vetting platform has been a massive time-saver for us.”
Thomas, School Business Manager
“It’s much easier to monitor compliance. It is much easier to make sure that every school is doing exactly the same throughout our trust.”
Director of School Improvement & Safeguarding – MAT
Has this piqued your interest? Would you like to find out more? If so, we would be delighted to welcome you to this free online Quick-Meet taking place just for 30 minutes at a time and date that works for you!
As a thank you for your attendance at this free online Quick-Meet, Zen Educate would like to offer you a free complimentary trial of their award winning permanent and temporary recruitment platform.
Wish To Contact Us? Have A Question?
Should you have any questions please email: or call 01485 240150.
We look forward to hosting you at our exciting free online school improvement Quick-Meets!