For 30 Minutes At A Time & Date That Works For You!
This Online Quick-Meet Is Designed For The Following MAT Roles & Education Settings
This Quick-Meet is designed for Multi-Academy Trusts.
CEOs, COOs, Directors of Education, Curriculum Directors, School Improvement Leads, Trust Wide Maths Leads & Trust Wide Literacy Leads will find this Quick-Meet of the highest value.
Why Attend This Free Online Quick-Meet?
There are so many important reasons to attend this free online school improvement Quick-Meet!
1. We donate £100 to your school/MAT via an Amazon voucher or cash donation (of your choice) for each & every online Quick-Meet you attend with us! This is to help your school access & afford essential supplies, school meals, products, resources & staff rewards*View T’s & C’s
2. We also contribute 20% towards each and every purchase you may choose to make (with no limits) from education solution providers you meet via our online Quick-Meets, up to a value of £400!* View T’s & C’s
Online Quick-Meet Details
The Education Showroom is delighted and proud to partner with Whizz Education, an organisation dedicated to empowering schools, MATs, staff and students by addressing pupil’s learning gaps in the critical areas of literacy and numeracy.
Did you know that in 2022, 41% of Year 6 pupils in England left primary school without meeting the expected standards in literacy and numeracy? Whizz Education is committed to helping learners overcome these gaps by offering personalised, adaptive virtual tutoring that provides each pupil with a tailored approach to accelerate their enthusiasm, progress and attainment in both literacy and numeracy.
Maths-Whizz and StepsWeb (both award winning products of Whizz Education) provide personalised, adaptive learning that significantly increases pupils’ enthusiasm, progress and attainment.
Maths-Whizz accelerates numeracy learning by guiding pupils through targeted lessons based on their unique strengths and areas for improvement. The online platform adapts as pupils progress, offering tailored support and ensuring they master key concepts before moving forward.
Similarly, StepsWeb adapts to each pupils literacy level, offering a structured course that focuses on phonics, reading fluency and spelling. Both Maths-Whizz and StepsWeb provide continuous feedback and reinforcement, empowering pupils to build confidence and make measurable, tangible progress.
Efficacy Research studies have proven that pupils using Maths-Whizz make an average learning gain of 18 months in just one year. StepsWeb is trusted by over 1,200 UK schools to help pupils, from early readers to adults, master essential literacy skills through engaging, game-based, fun activities.
What Are Schools and MATs Saying About Whizz Education?
“Working with Whizz Education has benefited the school and made significant improvements to the learning outcomes for our students in Maths. It’s kept children thinking about and progressing with Maths despite all the recent disruptions due to COVID and lockdown. Maths-Whizz has certainly helped make maths count and raised the profile of this key subject within our school. I highly recommend Whizz Education and their tool Maths-Whizz to other school and MAT leaders”
Stella Formosa – Head Teacher, Chesterton Primary
“StepsWeb has brought a new air of excitement for learning and achievement to our school, in the area of spelling and reading especially.
In one year it has already made a noticeable difference to our learners, particularly those who have struggled throughout Primary School in the area of literacy.”
Sue Bennett – Principal
Has this piqued your interest? Would you like to find out more?
We would be delighted to welcome you to this free online Quick-Meet taking place just for 30 minutes at a time and date that works for you!
As a thank you for your time and attendance, Whizz Education is pleased to offer you a complementary, free-of-charge 12 week trial of Maths-Whizz and StepsWeb – giving you the chance to experience the platform’s powerful features firsthand and enabling you to have evidence of the huge impact it can and will make in schools across your trust.
Wish To Contact Us? Have A Question?
Should you have any questions please email: or call 01485 240150.
We look forward to hosting you at our exciting free online school improvement Quick-Meet!