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While your school / MAT is closed we help you generate critical income!

The Education Showroom is delighted and honoured to partner with Edu-Lettings, an organisation whose founding vision was to “allow schools and academies to make the most of their facilities and help provide local communities with access to sport, education and leisure opportunities.” The aim was to provide clients with a sustainable, guaranteed level of income and new revenue streams. 

Edu-Lettings have vast experience managing school facility hire across a whole host of individual facilities, including: 

  • All weather pitches
  • Swimming pools
  • Sports halls
  • Classrooms
  • Grass pitches
  • Studios
  • Classrooms

…… and so much more

Supporting over 84 venues nationally and being the contractor of choice for large MAT’s such as Ormiston Academies Trust, Dixons Academies Trust and the Brooke Weston Academy Trust, just to name a few.

Edu-Lettings have generated more than £4 million pounds in school returns since we opened our doors with recorded visits of more than 2.5million per year across our partner schools. 

Edu-Lettings have proven evidence and examples of success using this exciting and unique model, with a key area of success being that we have never lost a client since incorporation, which is unrivalled within the education industry.  Edu-Lettings have not diversified into other service areas focusing instead on delivering core services, by choice, to a fewer number of schools and providing an unmatched level of service and care. Edu-Lettings strive to be the best in the market at what we do.

Edu-Lettings industry leading booking platform provides live information about your school/MAT venue to our onsite teams providing instant access to bookings that are planned for the current academic year. We will design and provide any signage and a complete marketing strategy both digitally and community outreach that is required for your school. The booking system is live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which enables us to sell slots efficiently, manage payments, and provide access to the prospective school stakeholder.  Edu-Lettings also has partnerships with many national sports governing bodies, including England Netball and Badminton England.

Edu-Lettings through their digital revolution ensures that each venue has a tablet introduced which offers a complete overhaul to modernise our system for the lone-workers operating sites.  Ensuring that compliance, health and safety, audits of our venues and reporting is unrivalled in the industry.

Edu-Lettings also partners with mystery shopping company Pro-insight who deliver honest and transparent feedback about our services with a pass rate of 90% against our stringent criteria of standards.  Partnering with Leisure Jobs to provide premium recruitment services offering the best-in-class onboarding process for our team. 

If you, your colleagues and your school would like to hear more about Edu-Lettings, whose priority will be to provide a consistent and exceptional level of service to support our partner venues achieve their financial, community and social goals and with a no hassle or upfront cost ever involved then we would be delighted to welcome you to this free online Spotlight event taking place on 25th September 2023 at 16:15pm and have the opportunity to meet, explore and interact with Nick Bowen, MD and Founder of Edu-Lettings.


16:15:  Interview with Nick Bowen, MD and Founder of Edu-Lettings – We learn all about Edu-Lettings, the history, heritage, vision and how they help and support schools/MATs across the country generate significant income by utilising their assets and facilities.

16:30:  Nick Bowen will facilitate an online presentation articulating how Edu-Lettings will help your school/MAT generate significant income – and also share several case studies and testimonials highlighting the incredible impact Edu-Lettings is having on schools/MATs and colleges across the country.

16:55: On completion of the presentation, Nick Bowen will invite you to a Q&A session.  This empowers you to ask Nick any questions you may have.

17:05:  End of spotlight