Why World-Class Marketing, Branding and PR are Critical to Combat Ever-Decreasing School Admissions
The Education Showroom is delighted and honoured to partner with Blue Apple Education, the number one solution provider for school marketing, communications and designs that produce outstanding results to help transform school admissions and drive school and Trust growth.
Multi Academy Trusts face increasing pressure to ensure that they have effective and professional marketing and communications strategies in place. More than 75% of trusts do not currently meet the Government’s definition of a “strong & stable trust” and as most develop challenging growth targets, they need confidence in their ability to effect change.
Blue Apple Education is a creative design company working exclusively in Education who support Trusts & schools to develop and communicate a brand identity that resonates with prospective new schools and parents.
Extensive research into the state of education marketing and the frustrations faced by Trust and school leaders has allowed Blue Apple Education to develop innovative and practical solutions that not only showcase the “remarkable” in each setting but are also designed to drive enquiries from schools looking to join a Trust and also prospective new parents and staff.
Blue Apple Education offers unique, all inclusive subscription models which support the development of realistic budgets for marketing a Trust and its schools. Blue Apple Education support Trusts to move away from traditional project based spending, in favour of targeting solutions that will provide the greatest impact and measurable returns on investment.
18:00: Interview with Mark Davis. Mark is Director of the business and also sits on the Multi Academy Trust Association (MATA) Advisory Board as their Marketing and Communications expert. Mark has provided seminars and key notes on all aspects of school marketing at events globally. He is the host of “Out of the Blue (an online video podcast covering a host of school and Trust marketing topics) and presents a series of online Masterclasses, which are free to attend sessions for anybody in the sector looking to develop their marketing skills.
We learn all about Blue Apple Education, the history, heritage and how they help and support schools/MATs across the country and beyond. We also dive into the common issues faced by schools and trusts and how Blue Apple Education delivers innovative solutions that produce real and cost effective results.
18:15: Blue Apple Education will facilitate three online themed breakout rooms and invite you to attend each of these themed rooms for 10 minutes each. These themed online breakout rooms will showcase three key solutions, designed specifically to provide effective Trust wide marketing and communications and the unique Blue Apple Education subscription service for Websites and design.
18:45: On completion of the three themed breakout rooms, you will be invited back into the communal online meeting room where we have a Q&A session where you and your colleagues are invited to ask Mark and his team any further questions you may have.
19:00: End of spotlight