For 30 Minutes At A Time & Date That Works For You!
This Online Quick-Meet Is Designed For The Following School/MAT Roles & Education Settings
This Quick-Meet is for all schools and MATs, including Local Authorities.
Headteachers & Senior Leaders within a MAT will find this Quick-Meet of the highest value.
Why Attend This Free Online Quick-Meet?
There are so many important reasons to attend this free online school improvement Quick-Meet!
1. We donate £60 to your school/MAT via an Amazon voucher or cash donation (of your choice) for each & every online Quick-Meet you attend with us! This is to help your school access & afford essential supplies, school meals, products, resources & staff rewards*View T’s & C’s
2. We also contribute 20% towards each and every purchase you may choose to make (with no limits) from education solution providers you meet via our online Quick-Meet, up to a value of £400!* View T’s & C’s
Online Quick-Meet Details
As a senior leader in education, you’re likely facing the daunting challenge of managing school improvement effectively while balancing your work-life demands. Traditional methods of self-evaluation and improvement planning often consume valuable time and resources, leaving you with limited capacity for meaningful leadership.
The Education Showroom understands the struggles and stresses you face which is why we’ve teamed up with 2Simple, a highly trusted name in the education technology sector, to tackle this issue head-on. We know that education is evolving, and your role as a senior leader is more demanding than ever. You need solutions that not only simplify school management but also empower you to make substantial improvements without sacrificing your personal life, health and wellbeing.
2Simple’s determination to simplify school management and provide highly effective and practical tools led to a collaboration with former headteacher Geoff Broadbent and former headteacher, Ofsted Inspector and LA advisor Clive Davies OBE, resulting in the creation of Know My School—an invaluable one-stop leadership tool with resources tailored for senior leaders looking to streamline self-evaluation and school improvement planning.
The platform offers a suite of time-saving tools that will revolutionise your approach to school improvement, with new features being developed and added. With Know My School, you can efficiently create focused improvement plans unique to your setting, gain precision in evaluation, and streamline improvement planning. Plus, the cloud-based platform provides real-time updates, giving you the insight and control you need to lead your school effectively.
The unique MatDash feature is also a game-changer for Multi-Academy Trusts. The dashboard provides real-time insights into self-evaluations across all schools within the trust. MAT CEOs can wave goodbye to guesswork and hello to strategic improvement plans.
If you and your colleagues are looking to bring balance to school improvement, restore your work-life balance and optimise your positive mental health and wellbeing then we invite you to register for this free online Quick-Meet. Meet former Headteacher Geoff Broadbent, to see how Know My School can ease your workload, provide clarity and empower you to achieve remarkable improvements in your school or across your MAT, all while restoring your work-life balance and enhancing your mental health and wellbeing.
Wish To Contact Us? Have A Question?
Should you have any questions please email: or call 01485 240150.
We look forward to hosting you at our exciting free online school improvement Quick-Meets!